From December 20, 2024, to January 3, 2025, the company will be closed due to a company-wide holiday. The company store will be closed from December 18, 2024. It will reopen on January 6, 2025.
Your e-shop orders received from December 19, 2024, will be processed on January 8, 2025.
Catalogue number: 1500 Machine tap with straight flutes and spiral point, metric, DIN 371, suitable for structural steels, plain cast steels, free cutting steels, short...
Catalogue number: 3500 Machine tap with straight flutes and spiral point, metric and metric fine, DIN 376, DIN 374, suitable for structural steels, plain cast steels, free...
Catalogue number: 2050 Machine tap with spiral flutes, metric, DIN 371, suitable for structural steels, cast steels, free cutting steels, spheroidal and malleable cast...
Catalogue number: 1690 Machine tap with straight flutes and spiral point, metric, DIN 371, steam oxided, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 1500XXXL Machine tap with straight flutes and spiral point, metric, extended to L=150 mm, the rest the same as DIN 371, suitable for structural steels,...
Catalogue number: 2050XXXL Machine tap with spiral flutes, metric, extended to L= 150 mm, the rest of dimensions like DIN 371, suitable for structural steels, cast steels,...
Catalogue number: 3540-BIT Machine taps with straight flutes and spiral point, metric and metric fine, DIN 376, DIN 374, steam oxided, suitable for structural steels, plain...
Catalogue number: 1540XXXL-BIT Machine tap with straight flutes and spiral point, metric, extended to L=150 mm, the rest the same as DIN 371, suitable for structural...
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