From December 20, 2024, to January 3, 2025, the company will be closed due to a company-wide holiday. The company store will be closed from December 18, 2024. It will reopen on January 6, 2025.
Your e-shop orders received from December 19, 2024, will be processed on January 8, 2025.
Thank you for your understanding.
Q & E Policy
01 | Comply with the applicable provisions of all legal regulations, i.e. European Union regulations, laws, regulations, decrees and standards related to environmental protection, occupational safety, health protection and fire prevention |
02 | Strive to eliminate or reduce, as much as possible, the negative impact of our activities, products and services on the environment and on the health of our staff and the region’s inhabitants. |
03 | Cooperate with the competent authorities and the public in order to respect the national and regional environmental policy. |
04 | Ensure continuous quality improvement in relation to our products and services. Focus on extending after-sales customer services. In production, continuously increase the share of products with high added value that are capable of competing against the leading global manufacturers. |
05 | To improve the quality of two-way communication with the customer and accelerate our response to the customer’s needs, in particular using advanced internet technology tools. |
06 | Verify, on a regular basis, the environmental management system as a part of the organization’s management, including the staff’s motivation to pursue the commitments provided for in the environmental policy. |
07 | Based on objective verification, i.e. checks, measurements and monitoring of environmental aspects and their impact, review, on a yearly basis, the system established by the top management in order to compare the actual findings with the commitments arising from the environmental policy, thereby ensuring involvement in the continuous improvement process. |
08 | Regularly and consequently analyse our consumption of raw and other materials and energy, and thoroughly sort waste generated in our production in order to reduce the use of natural resources and raw materials to minimum. |
09 | Make use of the comprehensive training system for our staff to obtain and continuously enhance the necessary knowledge in relation to environmental protection and quality system. |
10 | Pursue the principle of sustainable development, focussing on efficient use and implementation of facilities mitigating their impact on the environment. |
11 | Carry out, on a regular basis, analyses of potential emergency threats and suggest their efficient prevention. |
12 | Build the company image as one of the leading global manufacturers and attractive employers within the region. |
13 | Continuously improve the relationship with environmental protection and pollution prevention and continuously improve the quality management system. |
The company Q & E policy was updated in February
Since 1997 the NAREX Ždánice, spol. s r.o. Company has been implementing a certified Quality Management System in the area of “The development and production of threading tools and metal heat treatment” in accordance with the European EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
Since 2019 our company has also been implementing a certified Environmental Management System in accordance with the EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard.
Both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System are regularly verified by the TÜV NORD CZECH, s.r.o. certification company.