From December 20, 2024, to January 3, 2025, the company will be closed due to a company-wide holiday. The company store will be closed from December 18, 2024. It will reopen on January 6, 2025.
Your e-shop orders received from December 19, 2024, will be processed on January 8, 2025.
Catalogue number: 4292 Machine tap with spiral flutes, british standard pipe thread, DIN 5156, vapourised, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 4290NX High precision machine tap with 40° spiral, metric, DIN 376, steam oxided, suitable for structural steels, cast steels, free cutting steels,...
Catalogue number: 4290EG Tap for wire thread inserts with spiral flutes, metric, DIN 40435, steam oxided, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 4290 Machine tap with spiral flutes, metric and metric fine, DIN 376, DIN 374, steam oxided, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless...
Catalogue number: 4280NX High performance machine tap with spiral flutes, metric, DIN 376, TiCN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 4280 Machine tap with spiral flutes, metric, DIN 376, TiCN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels with strength up to...
Catalogue number: 4265 Machine tap with spiral flutes, unified national fine thread, DIN 374, TiN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 4264 Machine tap with spiral flutes, unified national coarse thread UNC, DIN 376, TiN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless...
Catalogue number: 4262 Machine tap with spiral flutes, british standard pipe thread, DIN 5156, TiN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless steels...
Catalogue number: 4260 Machine tap with spiral flutes, metric and metric fine, DIN 376, DIN 374 TiN coated, suitable for case hardened and nitriding steels, stainless...
Catalogue number: 4222NX High performance machine tap with 50° spiral flutes, british standard pipe, DIN 5156, Balinit Hardlube coated, suitable for universal...
Catalogue number: 4220NXIKZ High performance machine tap with 50° spiral flutes and axial cooling, metric, DIN 376, Balinit Hardlube coated, suitable for universal...